
The Dawning of the Age of Social Media Public Service

Some people probably still living in caves criticize Manila Mayor Isko for being too much into social media exposure. - Armand Dean Nocum I

Hey! This is 2020! This is the time when people equate public service with very strong "social media presence!" The logic goes: "If you are not in social media doing something good for the people, ergo, you are doing nothing!"

Gone are the days when elected government officials go out to the people, get tri-media exposure or suddenly appear all over social media when election time nears. People are now politically matured to spot and not vote for "political mushrooms" -- those who come out only during the rainy season or in this case the campaign season.

Besides, whether he is in front of the camera talking to the People of Manila or having late lunch with friends, Mayor Isko just loves to take selfies the way he grabbed my phone to chronicle our meeting with Manila Congressman Benny Abante.

Wake up guys! Instead of criticizing, do what Mayor Isko does -- doing great things and telling people in Manila what he does. It's his sworn duty and responsibilty to tell them what he does (as opposed to doing nothing).

Did we not in the past criticize national and local government officials going "missing in action" while we see public service failing all around? With the advent of social media, people now demand more accountability and that includes wanting government officials to show them what they do with their time; and what they do with the public money taxpayers have entrusted to them.

Social media public service or social media marketing (for businesses) is in.

If you can't figure this out yet, then you're really out.

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